So, as I sit on my computer...downloading pictures from my camera, for my not no nice friend Brooke, I go through my old pictures. (I know, you think Brooke is nice. But-look at this not so
nice post of her slacker!!) So, here's me & Bran at the Taylor Family Christmas, and here are my 10 thoughts (as I am still waiting on pictures to send to Brooke):
1. Why are my arms so long?
2. How did my BABY boy get so big?
3. Why didn't Brooke bring her own camera to Easter? It's her kid's first Easter hunt for crying out loud.
4. Are my elbows big or it just the picture?
5. Can I hire a housekeeper to do laundry?
6. I buy gel, spike the kids' hair, and no proof of that.
7. I used to be blond...what happened?
8. It's night time in this picture...why do I still have sunglasses on my head?
9. How in the heck did I get all those eye wrinkles?? Seriously?? @ 33?
10. What did I ever do to be blessed beyond belief like I am...even with wrinkles!?!?!?