Friday, January 23, 2009

proud mama.... I used to not like the Mom's who were"my kid is the smartest in the world" this, and "oh, my kid just got passed to the 8th grade from 2nd" that, but I am one of those proud mama's. My kids do things to amaze me daily, along with those astonishing "what in the world were you thinking" moments, which most of the times out number the amazing ones. But today, my kids did good.

Star awards were today. 1st 9-weeks star awards are down on this post.

Camron received 2 stars, along with the character award, AND the Principal's award. He was SO proud, and that's what just made me grin from ear to ear.
This kid pushes and pushes himself. Seems to be on his own...hopefully.

Brandon also received 2 stars, which is a BIG deal in kindergarten! And most important of the stars was his star for PREMIER behavior. Which if you know Brandon, him getting something GOOD on the behavior side, is HUGE! He stayed on green (which means no getting in trouble) everyday in his class for 9 weeks, and got a compliment from another teacher. Now we just need to keep that behavior staying the same @ home!

Way to go boys!!


The Blevins' said...

Hey too funny....the picture wont enlarge though. I tried. Yea for being a proud mom.

Jen Taylor said...

bloggin' makes me mad. I erased it and posted a new one with it.

Stephanie said...

You SHOULD be a proud mama!

raenette said...

way to go cambran