Sunday, February 22, 2009

seriously, my blogging friends...

Ok. So it seams that facebook has taken over the "I don't have anything to do right now, so I'll blog" time, or the "I have SO much to do right now, but I'm still going to blog" time. So, I am challenging each of you. Get off facebook for a couple of minutes and BLOG. That's right. Most of you were the people who convinced ME TO START blogging. There. Said my peace.

To start, you're being tagged. (For you facebookers, it's like being tagged in a note.)

1) Link to the person who tagged you-
2) Post the Rules
3) Write 6 random things about myself
4) Tag 6-ish people
5) Let each person know they were tagged
6) Let the tagger know when you've posted


1.I love babies. I think all of my friends should keep, and start, having many of them. That way I can live thru you guys.

2. I never thought I could "mother" TWO BOYS, and now I wouldn't change those two for the WORLD!

3. I was the drum major in my High School Band.

4. I was quite the dork in high school . How you ask? See # 3.

5. A couple of days ago, Brandon lost his new mp3 player that he had just got for his birthday. After I so politely yelled at him for being irresponsible, I found it, right where I had put it about 2 hours earlier that day. I then had to apologize to my 6 year old. Then that night, he came into my room and said "Mom, I love you so much for getting me this ipod and letting me listen too it all the time. I promise I won't loose it again." I can be a bad mom.

6. I love season-all. Sprinkled on everything. LOVE IT!

Tagged--Jamie, Jenny, Brooke, Raenette and Courtney. Come on there friends!! (Brooke, you have been pretty good @ your blog, so not so much for you, but still fun!)


raenette said...

way to go Jen! All are great posts!

The Blevins' said...

okay, new rule, no more than 2 posts at a time. 5 is too many to comment on. So you have to spread them over multiple days. A blog is a marathon, not a sprint my friend. Great job though on updating. I am so proud of you. I love blogger so much more than facebook, but people are so much better at updating facebook. i will do your stupid survey, cause I love you, but not for anyone else.

Pam said...

I'm updating on a regular basis pretty much.
I'm to slow with FB. It has changed so much and it all looks so different so I'm really pretty much off that. Blogging is my favorite.
You really do a great job and you can print it out or make a book to keep the memories.
Keep up the good work. I love looking at blogs. not so much FB.