Sunday, October 6, 2013

Uganda Blog by Liz Mendoza, October 6, 2013

Playing in traffic
Today I wasn't feeling too good so I decided to stay back. The rest of the gang headed to Top Hills, while Judy gave me a pill to help me not throw up. I slept it off, and felt much better when I woke up. Apparently they had an adventure this morning with a flat tire on the way home. 
The team finally came home around 2pm. I was watching The Big Bang theory when Suebee walked through the door. I was feeling much better so I headed to Phil's with them. We went to drop off Alokos medicine and play with the kids a bit. So our surprise Carolyn Amulen was there visiting. It was so good to hug her neck and see her. We stayed for only a bit then took Jesca, one of the matrons, with us so she could see her daughter Jennifer in the hospital. 
After we dropped her off we headed to the supermarket. We were out of water (or atleast we thought we were, Judy had some in her room). Haji parked on one side of the road while we walked across the street. I tell you what Sue is going to kill both of us. Jaimie had already made it to the other side. I normally stay with sue to make sure she crosses over and still comes out alive. She stepped right in front of this big truck (that was going slow and she had time to cross in front of) but what she failed to see was the boda boda coming from the other way. We ended up in the middle of the road, with the truck honking at us. I finally pushed her and said go now. Crossing the street here is a lot like playing frogger. We went inside purchased what we were looking for then began our journey back. Jaimie heard somebody calling her name but when she looked back she didn't recognize them. We made it all the way to the other side and realized we were missing something. Where did Haji go? We looked around and saw Haji and the boda boda drivers sitting there just cracking up. They were now on the other side of the road. We now had to cross the road for the third time. This time it was clear and much easier. The boda boda drivers were laughing. Haji said we had crossed the road very badly, therefore he asked if the boda boda drivers could make some room so he could park. They were all trying to get out attention before we walked to the other side, but we ignored them because we didn't recognize any of them. We were told not to talk to strangers, and we were doing just that. Little did we know the strangers were trying to help us. Oh lord. Always an adventure. 

Here's the cookies sue almost died for: 

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