Thursday, October 30, 2008

Things you should and shouldn't do...

You should not let your kids play with their food.

You should pull over to take pictures of rainbows.

You should take pictures of your Mother falling asleep on the couch.

You should have an "ice cream bench"

You should take pictures of your kids crying to use as blackmail.

and then take the next picture where you force them to smile because of the above reason. Cheeeese.

You should watch your friends kids and dogs for them.

And have them crash out so that they are wide awake when Mommy & Daddy get back.

You should not let your dogs on your bed.

You should take silly self portraits with red mustaches with your kids.

You should let neighbors kids come play and let them do sometimes the most random-NOT HARMFUL-things (like hide under bathroom sink for 45 minutes)

Or in the dog kennel.

Let your kids & friends play in yard to find lizards, grass hoppers, ants, beetles, or in this case, tree frogs!

You should visit with long time friends that you don't get to see all the time.

You should take a picture of your son eating nachos with nacho cheese on his nose.

I don't think you're supposed to let your kids play on the ride on things @ Tractor Supply, but we do anyway

You should have a freaky skeleton that you take out every Halloween, name him Fred, and let the kids put tinker toys, swords, and power rangers in him. (It seems the neighborhood kids are doing a lot of random things in this blog!

You sould not allow your children to climb up and hang on the basketball goal. It gives them forehead road rash, some cuts (very small) in the head, and dents in Mom's car. Oooops.


raenette said...

I'm so laughing at the under the sink and dog cage! Love it!

Jamie King said...

Now thats funny!!!